Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video

CVPR 2023

Wenzheng Zeng1, Yang Xiao1, Sicheng Wei1, Jinfang Gan1, Xintao Zhang1, Zhiguo Cao1, Zhiwen Fang2, Joey Tianyi Zhou3
1Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2Southern Medical University, 3A*STAR


Real-time eyeblink detection in the wild can widely serve for fatigue detection, face anti-spoofing, emotion analysis, etc. The existing research efforts generally focus on single-person cases towards trimmed video. However, multi-person scenario within untrimmed videos is also important for practical applications, which has not been well concerned yet. To address this, we shed light on this research field for the first time with essential contributions on dataset, theory, and practices. In particular, a large-scale dataset termed MPEblink that involves 686 untrimmed videos with 8748 eyeblink events is proposed under multi-person conditions. The samples are captured from unconstrained films to reveal "in the wild" characteristics. Meanwhile, a real-time multi-person eyeblink detection method is also proposed. Being different from the existing counterparts, our proposition runs in a one-stage spatio-temporal way with end-to-end learning capacity. Specifically, it simultaneously addresses the sub-tasks of face detection, face tracking, and human instance-level eyeblink detection. This paradigm holds 2 main advantages: (1) eyeblink features can be facilitated via the face's global context (e.g., head pose and illumination condition) with joint optimization and interaction, and (2) addressing these sub-tasks in parallel instead of sequential manner can save time remarkably to meet the real-time running requirement. Experiments on MPEblink verify the essential challenges of real-time multi-person eyeblink detection in the wild for untrimmed video. Our method also outperforms existing approaches by large margins and with a high inference speed.

Video (YouTube)

Task Formulation

To our knowledge, it is the first time that the task of instance-level multi-person eyeblink detection in untrimmed videos is formally defined and explored. We think that a good multi-person eyeblink detection algorithm should be able to (1) detect and track human instances’ faces reliably to ensure the instance-level analysis ability along the whole video, and (2) detect eyeblink boundaries accurately within each human instance to ensure the precise awareness of their eyeblink behaviors. We design new metrics to give attention to both instance awareness quality and eyeblink detection quality.

MPEblink Benchmark

Existing eyeblink detection datasets generally focus on single-person scenarios, and are also limited in aspects of constrained conditions or trimmed short videos. To explore unconstrained eyeblink detection under multi-person and untrimmed scenarios, we construct a large-scale multi-person eyeblink detection dataset termed MPEblink to shed the light on this research field that has not been well studied before. The distinguishing characteristics of MPEblink lie in 3 aspects: multi-person, unconstrained, and untrimmed long video, which makes our benchmark more realistic and challenging.

The dataset is available at here.

Note: There is a mistake in the camera-ready version. Specifically, in Table 1, the summary for HUST-LEBW only listed the main statistics from Table 1 in [1]. Actually, HUST-LEBW also provides an untrimmed subset (90 videos) for testing purposes. Please refer to the arxiv version for more details.

[1] G. Hu, Y. Xiao, Z. Cao, L. Meng, Z. Fang, J. T. Zhou, and J. Yuan. Towards Real-time Eyeblink Detection in the Wild: Dataset, Theory and Practices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15:2194–2208, 2020.


We propose a one-stage multi-person eyeblink detection method InstBlink. It can jointly perform face detection, tracking, and instance-level eyeblink detection. Such a task-joint paradigm can benefit the sub-tasks uniformly. Benefited from the one-stage design, InstBlink also show high efficiency especially in multi-instance scenarios.


        title={Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video},
        author={Zeng, Wenzheng and Xiao, Yang and Wei, Sicheng and Gan, Jinfang and Zhang, Xintao and Cao, Zhiguo and Fang, Zhiwen and Zhou, Joey Tianyi},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},