Wenzheng Zeng 曾文正

I am a master’s student at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), advised by Prof. Yang Xiao. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree from HUST in 2021. In an even earlier life, I was born and raised in Beijing.

My research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition. Currently, my main research efforts are on human behavior understanding, which includes technics on scene understanding, coarse-grained action understanding, fine-grained human face & eye modeling, and video understanding. I have also participated in several top competitions, primarily focused on video understanding, medical implementation, and math modeling.

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profile photo


End-to-End Video Gaze Estimation via Capturing Head-Face-Eye Spatial-Temporal Interaction Context
Yiran Guan*, Zhuoguang Chen*, Wenzheng Zeng#, Zhiguo Cao, Yang Xiao#,
(*: equal contribution; #: corresponding author)
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023
project page & code / paper

Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video
Wenzheng Zeng, Yang Xiao, Sicheng Wei, Jinfang Gan, Xintao Zhang, Zhiguo Cao, Zhiwen Fang, Joey Tianyi Zhou
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
project page / paper / video / poster / code / dataset

Eyelid’s Intrinsic Motion-aware Feature Learning for Real-time Eyeblink Detection in the Wild
Wenzheng Zeng, Yang Xiao, Guilei Hu, Zhiguo Cao, Sicheng Wei, Zhiwen Fang,
Joey Tianyi Zhou, Junsong Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2023
paper / code

Invited Talk

Invited poster and spotlight talk at CVPR GAZE2023 workshop.
Topic: Multi-person eyeblink detection in the wild in untrimmed videos


The "Challenge Cup" National Competition, 2023
Topic: Driver Monitoring System (DMS).
Result: Winning the Grand Prize (top prize beyond First Prize).
The Visual Inductive Priors for Data-Efficient Computer Vision Challenge, ECCV 2022
Topic: Action recognition with limited training data.
Result: Obtain 3rd place and Jury Prize in the action recognition track.
China Graduate AI Innovation Competition, 2021
Topic: Cloud + AI assist Parkinson's Diagnosis.
Result: Obtain 3rd place and fisrt prize (3/1505).
Fisheye Video-based Action Recognition Competition at the MMVRAC Workshop, ICCV 2021
Topic: Action recognition in fisheye videos.
Result: Obtain 4th place.
The Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM), America, 2020
Topic: Comprehensive exploration of buyer reviews and ratings for Amazon e-commerce products.
Result: Obtain Meritorious Winner (9%).

Selected Honors & Scholarships

  • National Scholarship (Rank 1/600+),  2023
  • HUAWEI Scholarship (Rate < 1%),   2023
  • Outstanding Graduate,  2021
  • Excellent Undergraduate Thesis (Rate < 3% in HUST),  2021

  • This website is inspired by Jon Barron's website. Many thanks to him!